Wednesday, January 25, 2012

March For Life 2012

I shouldn't be blogging.  I should be doing school, but this just made me a little upset.  Very upset.  Let's start with a little quote by these pro-choicers.

"Our life, our right."

Oh boy, let's go to the very beginning.  Sexual Reproduction 101, when the sperm (male gamete with incomplete set of DNA) meets the ovum (female gamete with incomplete set of DNA) a new nucleus is formed with a NEW set of DNA.  Let's look at the 4 criteria for life.
1) All life forms contain DNA.
2)  All life forms must be able to extract and convert energy from surroundings to sustain them.
3) All life forms must sense changes in their surroundings and respond to those changes.
4) All life forms reproduce.

An embryo, in fact, meets all these criteria.

That group of cells that is forming in a woman's body that magically pops out and becomes a baby right as a woman goes through labor and gives birth is ACTUALLY a living human being from the very beginning.

How is that so? From when his/her DNA from the father and mother merge, a new nucleus is formed. Yes, this person has his/her own unique set of DNA.  This person uses energy from the mother to sustain his/her life.  This person senses and responds to changes in his/her surroundings.  Ever see an ultra sound? I have! If moving and having a heart beat isn't sensing surroundings and adapting to the womb than what is? And if you really study the process an embryo undergoes during the stages of pregnancy you can obviously see that his/her cells are reproducing asexually and that the embryo is DEVELOPING.

Thus, we can only conclude that this blob of cells is actually a baby.  A person.  With their own unique set of DNA.

To me, it is illogical to presume that getting rid of (killing) a person with a unique set of DNA is NOT murder.  Abortion is wrong because it is murdering an innocent life.
And I understand that it's scary and you feel alone when you are faced with an unwanted pregnancy.  But there IS help! So many resources like project Gabriel are available to women who want to put their child up for adoption or need funds.  Women do regret abortion.  And we have help for that too, such as project Rachel.

Being pro-choice means you have the ability to make good and bad choices.  Being pro-life means that you stand up AGINST the bad choices and fight for the good.  It means you are FOR life; that you honor and respect that all man are created equal.  From the moment of being created we all have a right to live in an equal manner as any other human being until we naturally die. No life, no matter how small or undeveloped, is a bad choice.  Life is a very good choice!  After all, the only people who claim that life is a bad choice are people who have chosen to live!

As Fr. Pilan says, "Death cannot drive out death; only life can drive out death."  Only the voice of the living is going to stand up for the voice of the dead, or those who cannot speak.  Just because they haven't fully formed and been born does not mean their right to live is not equal to ours!

So the answer to "Our life, our right." Is simply: it's not your life at stake here! It's not YOUR right to take away a life! To murder!

"Pro-life that's a lie you don't care if women die"

Hold on!  Being pro-life doesn't equal not caring if woman die.  We do care; hence why our name is FOR life.  Pro=for.  We are for life! We are for all men being created equal! We are for standing up for the innocent so that they are not murdered! We are for helping women so that their souls and bodies don't die!

This video is created by the Washington Times and I thought it was pretty well done.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

hello world

How ya been?
Good to see you my old familiar friend!

Yes, that's a Lady Antebellum song.

This is going to be quick, but I just wanted to update ya'll on what I've been up to the past few weeks.

The week after Christmas was spent with my mom's side of the family.  We had a wonderful time surprising my Great Grandma for her 95th birthday.  It was a mini reunion and I loved being able to see cousins, aunts, uncles, and nana.  One thing these reunions always show me is how different, unique, and awesome my family is.  We had a great time and a great party with lots of love, laughter and cameras!

Last week, I went skiing for the second time in my life and got to conquer a black diamond.  My brother, L, went for the first time.  It was pretty cool to see him go from never having skied before to mastering a black diamond.  That trip was spent with great friends and good memories!

This week, unfortunately, has been more depressing as I have to get back to reality and catch up on some school work.  That and being sick hasn't made this week the best.  *sigh* I miss Christmas already! Don't we all?

ta ta for now!
