This post comes from a very deep place within me that I'd like to share with my sisters out there. I think the topic of worth has been a theme for my semester and I think it also applies strongly to men too, but in a different way. But since I am a woman I'm only going into the woman's side of things.
This past semester I've seen the need of a woman discovering her worth and placing her being within her Creator's tender arms only and not in man's. I've seen this great need around me of women who have so much love to give, but are not finding the proper outlet and thus experience loneliness. Or maybe we have been hurt and our trust is harder to win over and we experience bitterness. Sometimes it has nothing to do with being hurt and everything to do with our human failings like being prideful or selfish and not trusting God. Being a woman is hard, I think, because we don't understand our nature and God's plan for our lives. But we know that deep within our being there is this desire to care for others by nourishing old friends and developing new friendships. We are carriers of light and life designed to spread warmth, joy, and love. We are literally created to nourish a life within our wombs and we also have a unique way of developing souls. A mother has this ability to perceive and understand her child like no other. Even though being a lady and nourishing others are very broad, general concepts, I believe that a woman has a unique capability in drawing out another's soul, of probing and uncovering deeper layers because our nature seeks to understand.
Whether society likes it or not, men and women think differently, but we are made to work together beautifully. I think I learned that being a woman requires being submissive sometimes or being a listener while seeking to understand and delving deeper into another's journey. All of us experience brokenness because we are not perfect! But here's the thing - we will never be perfectly emotionally satisfied in this life. Only God can and should fulfill our heart's desire because as St. Augustine says we are restless until we rest in thee.
But how do we place our trust in God alone? How do we place our core being into his bloody, scourged arms? That, my friends, is called the journey of life. It is a good and honorable challenge to daily deny ourselves and continue to seek and strive toward a greater unity with God because that is where we will feel the most secure. We will fall, but hopefully, with God''s grace, we will also rise. But sometimes outside forces distort and disrupt our ability to grow closer to God. Sometimes we are called to bear these crosses silently and sometimes we are required to seek healing by exposing our wounds to others. God will bless our efforts, even when we feel like they amount to nothing. He alone has the power to grant healing and mercy. The closer we lean God, the more we are our true selves and can give ourselves to others.
It is so important that if you or someone you love is going through doubt and brokenness that you can lead them toward the light. It is also important to share your brokenness with those you trust because He can work through those wiser than us to help grant healing. The beautiful sacrament of confession offers so much healing when you need release from sins that are weighing you down.
I'm praying for all my girls out there who doubt their worth! You are a daughter of the King.