Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The dog

Have I?...
Did I?...
Should I?...

Mention the fact that my crazy family added a dog to the mixture.  Correction: we added a nutty puppy who loves to get into mischief more than all of my 6 brothers combined.

Hold up, did I just say 6 brothers? Yep, you got it straight.

Anyway, you might be wondering what the deal is with this puppy.  I told you, didn't I? She's crazy!
In the past week alone she has disturbed the neighborhood and gotten out our yard 3 times.  As in, we have a panic attack that she will be run over by a car and so everyone in the house rushes out to capture the dog.  She's mischievous and thinks it's all a game.
Great game, Bailes.
Oh, her name is Bailey Anne Christmas btw.
'Bailey' for George Bailey and Bailey's irish cream!  'Anne' because my mom's Confirmation Saint is St. Anne (you know you're Catholic when you name your dog after a Saint ha ha).  And finally, 'Christmas' because, surprise!, she showed up in our lives on Christmas morning.  As in, she was abandoned at our Church and we literally took her in *tear* out of the kindness of our hearts.  Our poor, helpless, innocent puppy who made us fall for her in .01 seconds.  She's mischievous alright! Little did we know the adventure that is Bailey we were embarking upon last Christmas!

It has taken 6-7 months to potty train her.
She's a mutt and probably has some interesting genes going on.
She gets into trouble approximately every second of every day.
I'm just kidding about that part.
She barks at inanimate objects.
I'm not kidding about that part.
She gets frustrated with squirrels and is unsocial around other dogs.
Get it? Unsocial homeschoolers = Unsocial dog. Ha. Ha. Ha.
She's lots of fun to go running with.
She's like Marley from "Marley and Me" when you try to take her on a walk.
And shh don't tell her I said this, but she's kinda cute.

You wanna see pictures?

This is how we were first introduced to Bailey on Christmas.  After Christmas morning mass we saw everyone huddled around this cardboard box and this is how she looked.  How could we not?
 Another funny story is that when we first got Bailey she was so little that we didn't know if she was going to make it.  We didn't know if she had problems and if that was why she was abandoned so we didn't want to touch her too much.  So that's kinda an excuse, but because we didn't really look we just assumed that she was a he.  We first named "him" dasher....Than our neighbors came over, had no fear of holding the 6 week old puppy, and promptly told us that he was a she.  And she's been Bailey ever since then.  This is her having her first meal of puppy chow that we got at CVS - the only pet store open on Christmas!

Bailey now with mud on her face and paws:

Do you see what we got ourselves into?

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