Monday, November 28, 2011

Don't be hating on us!

Just 'cause we're Traditional.
Just 'cause we can go back to a better translation of latin liturgy that captures the essence of our mass more poetically.  That we have the history and stability to do so.
Just 'cause the entire country changed to the new translation of the liturgy at the same time, which means that we're united.  
Just 'cause the Church has the power to correct her congregation into using a more accurate version of what Christ intended the mass to replicate.

Because there is a point to making a change in the liturgy, which is to lead us closer to the truth, the way, and the life.

I believe times like these, when Catholics might be confused with the new translation, we should take the opportunity to be thankful.  It's pretty cool to me that the Catholic Church can change up our liturgy like this.  We are so rich! What a treasure! Not many religions have that kind of unity.  In fact, I can't think of one.  That we can dig deeper as a whole, as the body of Christ.  It keeps us on our toes; from getting lax with the same old same old.  Now that we have to pay attention to the words, maybe the meaning behind them will resonate more deeply.  Everyone can use a refresher in their faith - no matter which denomination or congregation.  So I'm making sure that I familiarize myself with the new translation.  It's not easy; it's not supposed to be easy.  And yet, already, I've been blown away.   Christ doesn't change.   This new translation doesn't change anything about the structure of the mass.  All it has done is just reemphasize the beauty of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

What are your thoughts on the New Translation of the Liturgy?

I'm excited about the traditional latin-ness of the New Translation.  Finally, those years of latin are paying off!



1 comment:

  1. I AM IN LOVE WITH THE NEW TRANSLATION!!!! *ahem, ahem* yeah, i thought it was awesome. The two words that kept popping into my head at mass last night were "beautiful" and "profound". :) *happy sigh*
