Wednesday, December 7, 2011

An Explanation

I don't think I've told ya'll why I like the picture in the header of my blog so much.  I've already said that I am an amateur photographer and this is one of my pictures.  But there is a more specific reason why I chose it for my blog.

First of all, I think it's different.  You see a unique view of the flower that is normally not shown.  In my opinion, the back of the flower is the least attractive part of it. So why did I choose that to be the header, the focus, of my blog? Am I nuts? Why didn't I pick something like these?

Well, The reason why I picked this specific picture is because, in this adventure called life, I feel like sometimes (a lot of times) we are missing the focal point of the bigger picture.   We are forgetting to lift our eyes up to the Lord like the flowers.  We forget to see Him in all the beauty that surrounds us.

In other words, I just think my picture is purty.

Anyway, that's the story behind the picture!
Have a Blessed Advent Season everybody!

XOXO, Robyn

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