Saturday, September 10, 2011

May we never forget...

September 11, 2001.

I remember we were playing outside, taking a break from schooling.  My older brother told us something bad had happened.  My mom had gotten a phone call from a relative asking if my dad was OK.  After watching the TV, I remember my heart was breaking.  My dad finally called us and I remember breathing a sigh of relief.  I was 7 and I didn't understand what was going on.
I still don't get it.
Now ten years later, I just recently asked my dad if September held any significance for terrorists.  He replied that one of the similarities he found with the date is that 9-1-1 = emergency.

I recommend watching United 93 - very poignant. Trust me, I was crying throughout it.  It's about the aircraft that was aimed for the Capitol, but the passengers fought the terrorists for control over the plane.  They saved lives by losing their own.  That's what Christ taught us, that true love means sacrificing oneself. Here is a trailer.

God always brings good from bad.  Look at all the heroic actions from just one day. All the sacrifices made, lives lost.

May we never forget...


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