Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Today is...

Today is the day that I sign the National Letter of Intent, which binds me to play soccer at Belmont Abbey in the fall.  
Talk about a major decision! 
After much praying, talking, and deliberating it has come down to this:
This is the college I believe God has put a special place for in my heart.
This is where I can see myself being totally fulfilled academically, spiritually, and athletically.  
I'm a little nervous because I'm human and we worry about big decisions, but, at the same time, I know worrying ultimately isn't doing me any good.  It'll just add more pressure and who needs that? Besides, I'm pretty confident next year will be great no matter the challenges or rewards! 

Also, I'd like to give a shout-out to College Girl for selecting me as the winner in her 10,000 post drawing! Thanks for the gift card College Girl! 

Happy Wednesday all! 


  1. Dear Robyn :)

    I"m so happy for you! This is SO exciting!!! Congratulations!!! You will have the time of your life :)
    "Fear not because God is with you" ~Padre Pio

    Love, Evelyn

  2. That's the Robyn I know and love!!! Congrats girl!!! You earned it! I love you! :)

    Your amazing sister Hannah :)

  3. So proud of you Robyn! I am giving you a blogging award. Stop by when you can to pick it up.
