OK I just have to share my nerd moment for the day!
I'm currently reading "Fatherless" by Brian Gail that was loaned to me by the lovely Allison. Around page three hundred, the author starts referencing philosophers, particularly modern philosopher's role on shaping thoughts (a process of hundreds of years) and how their thoughts influence scientists and scientific findings. One character (it goes through the journey of 4 main characters so it's a big book) was researching the linkage between breast cancer and the Pill, exploring how science might cover up some facts. SO FREAKIN COOL because philosophy is basically what I spent my freshman year learning about.
I always have high expectations for summer reading, but I'm really trying to read some deeper books than I normally would. We'll see how it goes! I just got a library book with a variety of European philosopher's writings/thoughts.
And that is how I'm spending my summer days! Trying to read/learn, stay spiritually active, be there for my family and friends, make some money and work out (ugh). Running has not been fun recently and I sometimes (ok all the time) make excuses for myself by saying that over working myself is how I broke my foot last year, but I also just need to rediscover my passion for soccer. It shouldn't be this hard, but I'm having a dry spell. I can't force it, but I also can't make up excuses forever. I feel like learning how to take care of my body is connected to taking care of my soul and if my soul is going through a dry spell with one of my absolute favorite passions, then I need to listen to my soul and nurture it. Hmm going back to the basics of the game and reconnecting with coaches and teammates is a good way to start.
Hey you ;) I tagged you for an award on my blog!